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Christmas at The Castle
- Christmas recipes
- Delicious Gifts
- Festive Games
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Christmas at The Castle
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Food is a central part of the Gregory family. Chef Mark Gregory, honoured as Master of Culinary Arts by the Royal Academy is known for his appearances on TV shows such as ‘Ready Steady Cook’ and the BBC ‘Good Food Show’. He has cooked for a wide range of distinguished individuals, including royalty, presidents, prime ministers, movie stars, pop legends, and sporting greats.
Mark’s achievements are impressive, including being named New Zealand Chef of the Year in the late 1980s. He then went to London and won the British Chef of the Year award. In 1996, he was awarded the Meilleur Ouvrier for cooking, a master craftsman status in France, becoming the first New Zealander to do so.
One of his most significant achievements is founding the DINEAID charity, which helps the New Zealand hospitality community raise funds for City Mission food banks during the Christmas season each year.
Despite his extensive culinary experience, what truly brings the Gregory family together is Christmas.
Mark enjoys cookin, especially during the festive season. In this book he shares a collection of traditional and new Christmas recipes, artisan gifts and fun family games, emphasizing the importance of creating cherished memories through food and togetherness.
Text © Mark gregory, 2024
Photographs © Mark gregory, 2024
Typographical design © David Bateman ltd, 2024
Published in 2024 by David Bateman ltd,
Unit 2/5 Workspace Drive, hobsonville,
Auckland 0618, new zealand
This book is copyrighted. Except for the purposes of fair review, no part may be stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording or storage in any information retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. No reproduction may be made, whether by photocopying or any other means, unless a licence has been obtained from the publisher or its agent. A catalogue record for this book is available from the national library of New Zealand.
Cover design: Mark gregory
Book design: Alice Bell
Printed in China by Asia Pacific Offset limited